Sri Lanka America Chamber of Commerce

A lacuna in Sri Lankan expatriate engagement in trade, commerce and investment with the wider world was bridged with the inauguration of the Sri Lanka America Chamber of Commerce on December 09, 2021. The Chamber made its debut in the State of Nevada’s Entertainment Capital of Las Vegas with a long-term objective: Las Vegas throughout the year is the attraction of global business leaders to promote investment, commerce and trade through conventions. The Chamber is motivated to base its professional activities and global reach in the City.

Having inaugurated the Chamber in a productive and globally-active environment, it is prepared to have perennial discourse with industry leaders throughout the American nation and those who visit the City of Las Vegas from all corners of the globe to engage in their trade and commerce endeavors that engulf the global citizenry. Especially, the Chamber will give a helping hand to strengthen trade and commerce between the United States and Sri Lanka. This forum will seek, and embrace the opportunity to fulfill its objectives to engage in global economic activities, and to establish itself as a vanguard for such endeavors. To fulfill the above objectives and commitments, the Sri Lanka America Chamber of Commerce has a clear Vision and a forward-looking Mission.

Our Mission

​ The chamber will undertake information sharing between The United States, and Sri Lanka periodically convening seminars, workshops, and establish networking between businesses & state departments from both nations. Additionally, provide advisory services to the Trade & Commerce Division of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Washington, D.C and its Consulates in other states.

Our Vision

The chamber will perform as a premier business forum to effectively facilitate and develop trade, commerce, and investment between the United States of America and Sri Lanka while strengthening bilateral relations.

Our Presidents Message

Our Chamber was established to become a premier trade, commerce, and investment vehicle on American soil with a global reach. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, known as the global capital of conventions, our Chamber is uniquely positioned to harness the immense potential of this vibrant city. Our initial phase of preparation and outreach has already demonstrated our potential to evolve into a national organization with multiple chapters across major metropolitan cities in the United States. We aim to engage deeply with those involved in international trade and commerce, professionals of various disciplines, and community leaders creating a robust network that benefits Sri Lanka and the United States.

The City of Las Vegas provides an ideal backdrop for our activities, with its high volume of visitors and status as a global convention hub offering unparalleled opportunities for networking and growth. We are committed to developing an action plan that establishes and strengthens economic ties at both macro and micro levels. Our vision includes fostering relationships with INGOs and NGOs to support Sri Lanka’s journey back to economic mobility.

Sri Lanka boasts a burgeoning IT sector, characterized by a pool of highly skilled professionals and an environment conducive to technological innovation. With a strong foundation in software development, IT outsourcing, and other technology-related services, Sri Lanka has emerged as a highly impactful player in the global IT market. One of the primary objectives of our Chamber is to facilitate the expansion of the market for Sri Lankan IT services in the USA. By leveraging our network and resources, we aim to connect Sri Lankan IT firms with potential partners, investors, and clients in the United States.

One of the flagship initiatives since our inauguration is exploring the “Sister City” concept to link the newly developed Port City and/ or the City of Colombo with major metropolitan cities in the United States. This strategic alliance aims to promote trade and commerce, starting with discussions already in progress with the City of Las Vegas as our pilot city.

On a micro level, our Chamber is dedicated to empowering small and medium entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka, providing them with knowledge and a platform to launch their products and services into global markets.

Our Board of Directors comprises individuals with broad experience and academic achievements, all committed to fulfilling the ambitious tasks ahead. Together, we will continue to strengthen the bilateral relations between Sri Lanka and the United States in trade, commerce, and investments, building on the historic ties that date back to the eighteenth century.

As we move forward, I am confident that, with our collective efforts, we will turn the dream of a national presence for the Sri Lanka America Chamber of Commerce into a reality. Together, we will foster a thriving environment for trade and commerce, benefiting both Sri Lanka and the United States.

Aruna Abeyakoon


Key Messages

Message from President of Sri Lanka

Message from His Excellency Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, president of Sri Lanka

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Congresswoman Dina Titus

Congresswoman Dina Titus – NV District 1, member of Sri Lanka America Congressional Caucus

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Congressman Steven Horsford

Message from Congressman Steven Horsford

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Congresswoman Susie Lee

Message from Congresswoman Susie Lee

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US Senator Catherine Cortez

US Senator Catherine Cortez Masto – NV

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US Senator Jacky Rosen – NV

US Senator Jacky Rosen – NV

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Ambassador of Sri Lanka

Message from Ambassador of Sri Lanka to United States Hon Mahinda Samarasinghe

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Press & Media Release

Press Release

U.S. Commerce Dept. links with Sri Lanka America Chamber of Commerce to promote bilateral trade, investment

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Press Release

New U.S. ambassador to Sri Lanka reiterates human rights, accountability her priorities

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Press Release

America Chamber of Commerce joins Mother Sri Lanka to promote MSL products In the USA

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Press Release

Twinning Colombo Port City with City of Las Vegas Initiated

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